Monday, November 25, 2013


It's amazing the changes a little weight loss, and the increased confidence that comes with it, had on my life.  I became more social, I was more willing to step out of my comfort zone and I saw myself in a different light.  That last part is what allowed me to believe I could try out for the High School Play, and thus was able to get a major role. 

The play had put me in contact with people that had previously not been a part of my social network.  They weren't unknown to me, as I had classes with some, and others had been a part of my older sister's social circle, yet none had ever truly seen me "as me" and visa versa.  The daily interaction of rehearsals had thrown us together in a way that broke down the barrier between the supposed social groups.  I suddenly found myself enjoying the company of people who's interests were different than mine, and enjoying the experience. 

For those within my Junior Class, the Musical experience helped to bridge the gap that social "clicks" created.  For the seniors, whom had spent the previous 4 years working along side my sister in their "performance mode", I was no longer seen as "Eliza Doolittle's" little sister, but instead as me, Mary.   

It was one of those Seniors who asked me out on my first date.  He was the male Lead in the play and I was slightly intimidated by him.  Not that he was intimidating, as he wasn't, it had more to do with the fact that he had been my sister's friend, and I thought for sure he'd never like me as much as he did her (what can I say, I had issues).  I was pleasantly surprised to find out otherwise.

One day after rehearsal, he asked me if I'd like a ride home.   I remember looking over my shoulder thinking, "Is he talking to me?".  Once I was sure he was, I smiled (probably like an idiot) and stumbled through a positive response.  As he helped me on with my winter coat,(hmm, a gentleman) his hand brushed my shoulder and I felt an electric response run through me (what the heck was that!?)   

 As we got to his car, he opened the car door for me and I was instantly smitten.  You see, my Dad always opened the car door for my Mom (not a common site in our world) so to me it was impressive he knew to do the same.  It was a snowy and cold night, so we sat chatting as we waited for the car to warm up.  It was freezing, and I was cold and without gloves.  He gallantly offered me his gloves, and as he put them on my hands, I blushed at the contact.  He chatted through the entire process, and then looked up at me, through the longest lashes I had ever seen, smiled and kissed my hand(swoon)...which he than held in his the entire way home.  I was giddy with excitement...He liked me!  No one had ever liked me before...this was a new experience and I have to say, I was truly enjoying it!

As for the drive home, it was the first time I ever wished we didn't live so close to the school, as the ride only lasted 15 minutes.  Of course, we lived on an Island, so there probably weren't that many places where the ride would have been much longer, but I really wished it was.  He was easy to talk to, charming really, and I was totally enjoying the attention. I just didn't want it to end!

As the car came to a halt behind my father's, I put my hand on the door to get out, and he said, "Wait, what kind of a gentleman would I be if I didn't walk you to the door?"  He then flashed that gorgeous smile and I felt warm all over.  As he let go of my hand to turn off the car, he glanced at me through those killer lashes, and said, "I really enjoyed holding your hand, we need to do that more often"...OMG! He like's ME and he wants to do this AGAIN!!!  Pinch me!!!

As he came and opened the door for me, I had taken off his gloves to give back to him.  He smiled, took my bare hand to help me out of the car and brushed his lips gently across it.  Again, electricity flowed through me...WHAT IS THAT!?!  As I climbed out of the car, he gave me a quick hug, (ahhhh!) and then took my hand as he walked me to the front door.  Let me clarify that, I wasn't actually walking, it was more like "floating" across the driveway.

  As we climbed the stairs, he suddenly stopped talking.  As I looked over at him, he smiled shyly and I saw a blush fill his cheeks.  He took a deep breath and looked down, then, through those great lashes, he looked into my eyes and said "I'd was wondering if you were free to go to a movie with me on Friday night?" 

"WHAT???  Did he just ask me out on a date???  What do I do?  What do I say?...this is unchartered territory for me.  No one's ever liked me before let alone asked me out on a date!!!  OMG...please don't let me mess this up..."

One second later, I stepped out of my head and with all the eloquence and cool that I could muster said, "YES!"  Ok, maybe too eager, and not eloquent or cool, but the smile he gave me in response was confirmation enough that I hadn't made too big a fool of myself.

Another hug, this one lasted just a little longer, as he said he'd let me know what time tomorrow at rehearsal. He pulled away, smiled one of the happiest smiles I'd ever seen, and pulled the screen door open for me, thanking me for letting him drive me home.  (Oops, I should have been thanking him...what's wrong with me!?!) All I could do was blush, smile and say "Thank You" as I walked into the house and closed the door behind me....

As I hung up my coat, I yelled for my Mom, and heard her response from the kitchen, "Honey, what are you doing home?  How come you didn't call?"...As I walked in the kitchen, she saw the incredulous look on my face and said, "What's wrong? "  I broke out in the biggest smile of my life and said, "I am going on my 1st date!" ...The smile on her face confirmed that I could, the scowl on my Dad's face, as he lowered the paper, made me realize it would take some convincing...but no matter what...Someone finally liked ME!  Life was good!!!

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