Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A run-on sentence, I don't think you'll mind....

Tonight I am grateful for the understanding that with each new day comes an opportunity for me to change my life:
to go with the flow instead of the status quo...
to live in each new day as if I had no past, and moving forward knowing that each moment is not meant to last...
A knowing that all that was is no longer a crutch on which to lean, cling or bemoan...the errors of my ways they have shown...
The realization that I am perfect just as me, and something more is meant to be...
no longer tethered by the fears of my past, a new understanding is here at last...
for all I want my world to be, is already here inside of me...
just waiting for my hope and trust, to allow the universal dam to bust...
no longer a prisoner of my fear, today I know my time is here...
 the time to be all that I was born to be; a time to love the truth of me...
Uniquely qualified to make it true...if not me, than who?
 I am a child of God's pure Light, in this exact moment, ready to take flight...
beyond the fear and doubt that held me back, with a faith that others lack...
an understanding that we are not alone, an understanding that goes beyond all I've known..
the Universal flow ignites a spark, angelic presence has left its mark...
I open my mind to all that could be, and allow the Universal Light to shine bright in me...
a force beyond my understanding,I allow myself in Faith to be standing...
to greet a brand new dawn today, I open my arms and pray...
Thank you God for the joyful surrender of this day, my gratitude for which I can never repay..
.the joy is mine within this space, for I see the Light of God on my face...
in His Light we all shine bright, fully ready to take flight...
for in a moment change can come, for all not just for some..
be open to receive the gift, that comes with an internal shift...
a day beyond your wildest dreams, a day happier then it seems..
.to dance to laugh to live in love, today fly high, like a dove...
dream beyond the moon and stars,no longer hindered by invisible bars...
stay true to the magic that is you and God will change your view...
Be open in this exact time and space and step fully into God's Grace...
today's the day your world can change forever, I promise it;s not a big endeavor...
Put your Faith in God pure Light and watch the Universal Might..
.In faith you will find wings to fly, and watch the world change in a blink of an eye...
God is here for me and you...there is nothing you can't do...
nothing comes through fear or doubt so for the last time just throw it out! 
The time has come to embrace your your dreams you will take flight..
.love this day with God's given Favor, and a new life is yours to savior!
In this thought change did come, beating within me Like a drum
Today we get to begin anew...tell me now, what will you do?
Take a moment now to see God's Grace, its shining back at you, on your Face
Choose you now and forever, soon you will know joy beyond your measure
Now is the moment you create, in your hands, its your fate...
Go with peaceful surrender, into Faith so kind and tender
Allow the Universal Flow, take it nice and slow...
Living is not a race, but meant for an easy pace
Take the time to taste the wine, smell the roses and leave the past behind...
for in this moment you are free, to be the version you were born to be..
So leave the past behind, open your heart to the unlimited possibilities within your mind
Take a leap beyond your in God and your internal glowing
A light beyond the moon...take it now, not sooner or later...
For in this moment a life time to live, in this moment God has a miracle to give
Open your heart and you will find, the open doors beyond your mind
The time is now do not delay, for the gifts you can no longer delay
In this moment you will see, God's favor is here for you and me!

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