Saturday, January 16, 2016


These past few weeks I have come up against all kind of "shadows" in my life...Shadows of the emotions of the past, Shadows of the judgments of people I have left behind, Shadows of misunderstands old but once again new, Shadows of the pain of others, Shadows of the resentment within myself, Shadows of past hurts reborn from the unkind word of others...all kinds of Shadows that made it hard to find the Truth of the Light that I know is mine!   Suddenly, instead of hearing the Truth that Lives within our Light, I am dealing with new found adversity that lurks inside us all...the adversity that only "THE SHADOW KNOWS..."

Now, before I get ahead of myself, let me explain to you exactly what the "SHADOW" is.  We are each born of God's Light and within us lies the natural polarity to it...that which is interestingly referred to as "the Shadows" of our Light.  It is a place within each of us where we have learned to hide our negative emotions and/or emotional baggage within ourselves.  A place where we try to hide from others (and ourselves), that which comes from hurt, anger, fear, doubt and "right/wrong" thinking  A place where we stuff the broken pieces of our Ego(Edging God Out) away from the peering eyes of others.  A Polarity that, when left to it's own device, pulls us from the Loving nature of OUR TRUE LIGHT. 

The reality is, we are each born with an innate Kindness within us, a place where Light shines ever bright.  Yet as we grow, we are repeatedly exposed to the judgment, criticism, ridicule, fear and doubt of others.  The effects of which cause us to feel hurt, angry, fearful and doubtful in the validity of that which we instinctively know to be Truth...the Truth of Light.  It is in the fragility of the Ego that we hide the broken pieces of our Life, the wounds that sometimes run so deep, they leave a well of darkness behind.  It always boggles my mind when I see how easily we are pulled into that darkness by others when they are in reactive mode and come at us from a place other than the natural kindness of their Light.  As Light Beings, I am intrigued how the polarity captures us so least that is how it appears to me, especially during these past few weeks.  

I must say, once I got over the feelings of being attacked by the "Shadows" within myself and others, I was actually grateful they were showing themselves in my life.  This is not to say I enjoyed the exposure to the negative emotions that they bring, but instead to say I am grateful for the illumination their presence cast on the areas of opportunity for growth within myself.  In this world of polarity, where there is darkness, there is also Light!

Remember how I said that it is "in the Shadows that we have learned to hide our negative emotions or emotional baggage within ourselves...the broken pieces of our life"?   Well, because we must work to "hide them from ourselves and others" if they are showing up at all, we can be damn sure that we are operating from the recesses of our subconscious mind; better known as our EGO, instead of the present moment choice of our conscious mind.  When operating from Ego, we are "reacting" to life from an old learned reaction instead of choosing in the moment to live life consciously.  When we come from Ego,  we have lost our ability to choose, and instead are driven from a false need to "be right while proving others wrong".  It is always from the "Shadow" of this "Right/Wrong" thinking that someone gets hurt...usually every one involved!

I realize that we live in a society that comes from a perspective of "right/wrong" thinking, so living in the "shadows" of our Ego is almost acceptable...that is until someone gets hurt!  Interestingly enough, I have seen the lengths to which our Ego will go to prove it's right, when in Truth, the need to do so has done way more harm to both parties than it has done good for either.  Once we let the "Shadows" out, it is hard to rein in the destructive power they possess with such weapons as ridicule, judgment, criticism, blame, guilt, shame and against-ness at the ready to destroy another. Sadly enough, these same weapons are easily trained within, and among the victims left behind, another broken version of ourselves.

"THE SHADOW KNOWS...all our secrets, all our fears and all our insecurities.  The more any given situation or person strikes a unsuspecting cord within us, the quicker we react from "The Shadows" of our mind.  Simply because of it's hidden nature, coming from the "Shadows" is more about using the weapons at your disposal than it is about about connecting and living in the Light of Truth within.  The Shadows are a defensive response that is triggered when the Ego, (the old record) is activated.  The Ego is not our Truth, it is just a subconscious reaction that manifests by striking out, and pulling back into the darkness of the broken pieces that we hide.

During the past week I have encountered the multitude of weapons unleashed by others simply because something said, the choices we made or the presence of our individual Light  "struck a painful cord" that lead to the Ego unleashing "the unrelenting Shadows within us".  In reaction to hurtful words (unintended or not), unkind judgment and need to "win others over to our way of thinking", we soon found ourselves entrapped in the power of "the Shadows" , even turning them upon ourselves (an old habit of shame and guilt).  For me, raised as a Catholic, some may say the shame and guilt is "a right of passage", yet to me, it's a painful reaction that when left unchecked pulls me to the darkest shadows of my life...a place I want to leave behind.  

Initially we all struck out in challenge to the force of negative energy we perceived (key point) was thrust upon us, but then we (or at  least I) fell victim to my own "Shadows" of fear and doubt, guilt and shame that left unchecked can take us out.  I suddenly found myself diminishing my own Light!  

As I wallowed in the pain hidden in the Shadows, I was given a moment of clarity that brought about some much needed insight:  

  1. Our perceptions are as individual as we are, thus when applied to the words, actions and thoughts of another, our perception doesn't apply!
  2. I was lost in the Shadows because I was coming from a reactive place; a place from which nothing could be won, just much more damage done.  Destruction of myself and others, all of whom I love like sisters and brothers.  We had just come to a point of pain; a point none of us were able to navigate around from our reactive state.  
  3. To honor God within each other, I had to choose to be in the moment and find it within myself to connect to the Kindness of my Light.  
  4. Going forward,when faced with the Shadows of another, the only control I have is of my choices, so I must take a deep breath or two, center in the Light and let Kindness diminish the fight.

Once the "Shadow rises up to speak" in reactive defense of the Ego, the only chance to minimize it's destruction comes from the fullness of the Light within.  Good News: The Light always wins out over "darkness"...The trick being, the people involved must choose to "turn on the Light"!   Simple to do really, just choose to live consciously in each moment, verses allowing one's self to automatically react in fear and fight simply to prove the Ego "right"!  

This week has shown me I have a choice to Live Life Consciously...In coming from a place of Kindness and Gratitude, vs fear and doubt I have the power to turn things about..  In choosing to come from Kindness and Light, I have the power to truly support another in their Flight!  In true polarity the darkness of "THE SHADOW KNOWS" that in each moment we are God's pure Light! 

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