Friday, March 25, 2016

Did I mention I Channel the Dead????

I am, for lack of a better term, A Psychic Medium. In short that means I have a God Given gift of channeling those from the Spirit, Angelic and Universal realms. People always ask me if "I am a certified Psychic", which always makes me chuckle, simply because I was born this way. It's not something I was taught, it's not something that can be taught, but it is something that was Given to me, and as the years have progressed, it has grown in strength, scope and clarity, just like me. God gave me these abilities and no matter how I've tried through the years, I couldn't give them back. I tried to ignore them, I tried not giving the message, and even as an illness was taking my spirit, the gifts just kept growing. Thankfully, almost 5 years ago I received a git of understanding that has allowed me to fully embrace the Truth of me. I have to say, I am fully comfortable in walking proudly as ME! Can you accept that about me?
I am quickly learning that the majority of people who call me friend are "cool" with what I do, turn to me for advice, or should I say "Angelic advice", looking to connect with a loved one who has passed on, or are on a spiritual path of their own and look to me to validate/facilitate their learning...all things I am happy to do as they all fall under the umbrella of my "true purpose" in this life. For those I call friend, I do so freely because I am grateful for their love, belief and support. My true calling in life resolves fully around my gifts and I have/am committed to living fully in that Truth and walking fully in Faith! My commitment to those who fully support who I am in all areas of my life is equally as strong.
Of late,with the exception of one, what I am noticing with many who call me "friend" is this: though they are open to my gifts, have experienced amazing break-thru's and realizations of their own truth, there is a hidden "judgment" within their mind. Though they may cheer me on, have had some strange, yet miraculous experiences with me, most, at one time or another, have asked ask me to "hide who you are/what you do" in front of other people. They try and hinder the truth behind what comes through me, what I know to be true by asking me "not to allow" those from the Spirit/Angelic & Universal realms to show up when "my kids/ my in-laws/ my neighbors/ my family/strangers/etc." are around. They ask me "not to do you" around others.  
UMM...WHAT??? My first thought is simply "have you not been paying attention people?? Do you really think "THEY" can be controlled when they want to step in!?!?"  
OK, I get it, some people absolutely do not believe in what I can do...that is their right "the right to be them", full in their integrity, Faith and beliefs, just as it is my right to "be me". This is why, when a friend tells me that another doesn't believe in what I do, I always say "Well warn them ahead of time that ""my friend is very strange and she might freak you out at first, but I promise she's a good person"". That way, the pressure is off of them and all on me. It gives my friend and automatic out from being "tied" to another's criticism of me, thus freeing them from having to worry about being judged for knowing "someone like me" . They are able to not worry and I don't have to break my personal commitment to walk fully in my truth by trying to "make another comfortable by "hiding the real me". Believe me, no one can "hide their truth" for very long. It just can't be done because, no matter who we are/ what we do, "the real me" always comes through, just as Intended. I always say that each person we meet tells us their truth the first time we meet them, we just don't always choose to listen! So instead of living in pretense, just Allow your Light to shine as uniquely as you were created to be, let the world "see the real me!" 
Let me clarify, "doing me" is what we ALL are here to do (me and you!). We are all here on a Spiritual Journey, as we are all Spirit, having a human experience. The greatest part of any Spiritual Journey (yours or mine), is living in the full integrity of our own Truth. That does not mean we get to pick and choose when we are going to live our Truth, it doesn't mean we get to show it to some and not to others, it's a commitment in living fully just as you are, no matter what others may think. 
I understand, no one wants to feel judged, thus, if my truth embarrasses you in front of others, I am sad to hear, but will respectfully accommodate your choice whilst staying true to mine. I will continue to facilitate and assist you on your spiritual path while alleviating your fear of personal judgment "for being my friend" by simply adding you to my client list instead. Client sessions are held in private, by appointment and thus confidential. No one else need know you too are on a spiritual path. That way, by appointment, you get the benefits of my gift whilst, by design, I get to be true to me! It's a win, win!
I honor your right to choose, I honor where you are on your spiritual journey, and I respect you. I appreciate you for allowing me to see that a true relationship comes from allowing another to be true to themselves and in doing so being comfortable enough with the other to say "no" without fear of rejection. A relationship is about honoring another for all aspects of who they are, and whether you agree or not, allowing them the safety "to be me" without the burden of feeling the need to hide their True Light from another. .The greatest gift your fear has given me, is the ability to be, 100% true to ME!

If you are interested in knowing more about my Client Services or would like to book an appointment, visit my website at WWW.AngelsAnswer.Us

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