Friday, March 25, 2016

Did I mention I Channel the Dead????

I am, for lack of a better term, A Psychic Medium. In short that means I have a God Given gift of channeling those from the Spirit, Angelic and Universal realms. People always ask me if "I am a certified Psychic", which always makes me chuckle, simply because I was born this way. It's not something I was taught, it's not something that can be taught, but it is something that was Given to me, and as the years have progressed, it has grown in strength, scope and clarity, just like me. God gave me these abilities and no matter how I've tried through the years, I couldn't give them back. I tried to ignore them, I tried not giving the message, and even as an illness was taking my spirit, the gifts just kept growing. Thankfully, almost 5 years ago I received a git of understanding that has allowed me to fully embrace the Truth of me. I have to say, I am fully comfortable in walking proudly as ME! Can you accept that about me?
I am quickly learning that the majority of people who call me friend are "cool" with what I do, turn to me for advice, or should I say "Angelic advice", looking to connect with a loved one who has passed on, or are on a spiritual path of their own and look to me to validate/facilitate their learning...all things I am happy to do as they all fall under the umbrella of my "true purpose" in this life. For those I call friend, I do so freely because I am grateful for their love, belief and support. My true calling in life resolves fully around my gifts and I have/am committed to living fully in that Truth and walking fully in Faith! My commitment to those who fully support who I am in all areas of my life is equally as strong.
Of late,with the exception of one, what I am noticing with many who call me "friend" is this: though they are open to my gifts, have experienced amazing break-thru's and realizations of their own truth, there is a hidden "judgment" within their mind. Though they may cheer me on, have had some strange, yet miraculous experiences with me, most, at one time or another, have asked ask me to "hide who you are/what you do" in front of other people. They try and hinder the truth behind what comes through me, what I know to be true by asking me "not to allow" those from the Spirit/Angelic & Universal realms to show up when "my kids/ my in-laws/ my neighbors/ my family/strangers/etc." are around. They ask me "not to do you" around others.  
UMM...WHAT??? My first thought is simply "have you not been paying attention people?? Do you really think "THEY" can be controlled when they want to step in!?!?"  
OK, I get it, some people absolutely do not believe in what I can do...that is their right "the right to be them", full in their integrity, Faith and beliefs, just as it is my right to "be me". This is why, when a friend tells me that another doesn't believe in what I do, I always say "Well warn them ahead of time that ""my friend is very strange and she might freak you out at first, but I promise she's a good person"". That way, the pressure is off of them and all on me. It gives my friend and automatic out from being "tied" to another's criticism of me, thus freeing them from having to worry about being judged for knowing "someone like me" . They are able to not worry and I don't have to break my personal commitment to walk fully in my truth by trying to "make another comfortable by "hiding the real me". Believe me, no one can "hide their truth" for very long. It just can't be done because, no matter who we are/ what we do, "the real me" always comes through, just as Intended. I always say that each person we meet tells us their truth the first time we meet them, we just don't always choose to listen! So instead of living in pretense, just Allow your Light to shine as uniquely as you were created to be, let the world "see the real me!" 
Let me clarify, "doing me" is what we ALL are here to do (me and you!). We are all here on a Spiritual Journey, as we are all Spirit, having a human experience. The greatest part of any Spiritual Journey (yours or mine), is living in the full integrity of our own Truth. That does not mean we get to pick and choose when we are going to live our Truth, it doesn't mean we get to show it to some and not to others, it's a commitment in living fully just as you are, no matter what others may think. 
I understand, no one wants to feel judged, thus, if my truth embarrasses you in front of others, I am sad to hear, but will respectfully accommodate your choice whilst staying true to mine. I will continue to facilitate and assist you on your spiritual path while alleviating your fear of personal judgment "for being my friend" by simply adding you to my client list instead. Client sessions are held in private, by appointment and thus confidential. No one else need know you too are on a spiritual path. That way, by appointment, you get the benefits of my gift whilst, by design, I get to be true to me! It's a win, win!
I honor your right to choose, I honor where you are on your spiritual journey, and I respect you. I appreciate you for allowing me to see that a true relationship comes from allowing another to be true to themselves and in doing so being comfortable enough with the other to say "no" without fear of rejection. A relationship is about honoring another for all aspects of who they are, and whether you agree or not, allowing them the safety "to be me" without the burden of feeling the need to hide their True Light from another. .The greatest gift your fear has given me, is the ability to be, 100% true to ME!

If you are interested in knowing more about my Client Services or would like to book an appointment, visit my website at WWW.AngelsAnswer.Us

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A run-on sentence, I don't think you'll mind....

Tonight I am grateful for the understanding that with each new day comes an opportunity for me to change my life:
to go with the flow instead of the status quo...
to live in each new day as if I had no past, and moving forward knowing that each moment is not meant to last...
A knowing that all that was is no longer a crutch on which to lean, cling or bemoan...the errors of my ways they have shown...
The realization that I am perfect just as me, and something more is meant to be...
no longer tethered by the fears of my past, a new understanding is here at last...
for all I want my world to be, is already here inside of me...
just waiting for my hope and trust, to allow the universal dam to bust...
no longer a prisoner of my fear, today I know my time is here...
 the time to be all that I was born to be; a time to love the truth of me...
Uniquely qualified to make it true...if not me, than who?
 I am a child of God's pure Light, in this exact moment, ready to take flight...
beyond the fear and doubt that held me back, with a faith that others lack...
an understanding that we are not alone, an understanding that goes beyond all I've known..
the Universal flow ignites a spark, angelic presence has left its mark...
I open my mind to all that could be, and allow the Universal Light to shine bright in me...
a force beyond my understanding,I allow myself in Faith to be standing...
to greet a brand new dawn today, I open my arms and pray...
Thank you God for the joyful surrender of this day, my gratitude for which I can never repay..
.the joy is mine within this space, for I see the Light of God on my face...
in His Light we all shine bright, fully ready to take flight...
for in a moment change can come, for all not just for some..
be open to receive the gift, that comes with an internal shift...
a day beyond your wildest dreams, a day happier then it seems..
.to dance to laugh to live in love, today fly high, like a dove...
dream beyond the moon and stars,no longer hindered by invisible bars...
stay true to the magic that is you and God will change your view...
Be open in this exact time and space and step fully into God's Grace...
today's the day your world can change forever, I promise it;s not a big endeavor...
Put your Faith in God pure Light and watch the Universal Might..
.In faith you will find wings to fly, and watch the world change in a blink of an eye...
God is here for me and you...there is nothing you can't do...
nothing comes through fear or doubt so for the last time just throw it out! 
The time has come to embrace your your dreams you will take flight..
.love this day with God's given Favor, and a new life is yours to savior!
In this thought change did come, beating within me Like a drum
Today we get to begin anew...tell me now, what will you do?
Take a moment now to see God's Grace, its shining back at you, on your Face
Choose you now and forever, soon you will know joy beyond your measure
Now is the moment you create, in your hands, its your fate...
Go with peaceful surrender, into Faith so kind and tender
Allow the Universal Flow, take it nice and slow...
Living is not a race, but meant for an easy pace
Take the time to taste the wine, smell the roses and leave the past behind...
for in this moment you are free, to be the version you were born to be..
So leave the past behind, open your heart to the unlimited possibilities within your mind
Take a leap beyond your in God and your internal glowing
A light beyond the moon...take it now, not sooner or later...
For in this moment a life time to live, in this moment God has a miracle to give
Open your heart and you will find, the open doors beyond your mind
The time is now do not delay, for the gifts you can no longer delay
In this moment you will see, God's favor is here for you and me!

Saturday, January 16, 2016


These past few weeks I have come up against all kind of "shadows" in my life...Shadows of the emotions of the past, Shadows of the judgments of people I have left behind, Shadows of misunderstands old but once again new, Shadows of the pain of others, Shadows of the resentment within myself, Shadows of past hurts reborn from the unkind word of others...all kinds of Shadows that made it hard to find the Truth of the Light that I know is mine!   Suddenly, instead of hearing the Truth that Lives within our Light, I am dealing with new found adversity that lurks inside us all...the adversity that only "THE SHADOW KNOWS..."

Now, before I get ahead of myself, let me explain to you exactly what the "SHADOW" is.  We are each born of God's Light and within us lies the natural polarity to it...that which is interestingly referred to as "the Shadows" of our Light.  It is a place within each of us where we have learned to hide our negative emotions and/or emotional baggage within ourselves.  A place where we try to hide from others (and ourselves), that which comes from hurt, anger, fear, doubt and "right/wrong" thinking  A place where we stuff the broken pieces of our Ego(Edging God Out) away from the peering eyes of others.  A Polarity that, when left to it's own device, pulls us from the Loving nature of OUR TRUE LIGHT. 

The reality is, we are each born with an innate Kindness within us, a place where Light shines ever bright.  Yet as we grow, we are repeatedly exposed to the judgment, criticism, ridicule, fear and doubt of others.  The effects of which cause us to feel hurt, angry, fearful and doubtful in the validity of that which we instinctively know to be Truth...the Truth of Light.  It is in the fragility of the Ego that we hide the broken pieces of our Life, the wounds that sometimes run so deep, they leave a well of darkness behind.  It always boggles my mind when I see how easily we are pulled into that darkness by others when they are in reactive mode and come at us from a place other than the natural kindness of their Light.  As Light Beings, I am intrigued how the polarity captures us so least that is how it appears to me, especially during these past few weeks.  

I must say, once I got over the feelings of being attacked by the "Shadows" within myself and others, I was actually grateful they were showing themselves in my life.  This is not to say I enjoyed the exposure to the negative emotions that they bring, but instead to say I am grateful for the illumination their presence cast on the areas of opportunity for growth within myself.  In this world of polarity, where there is darkness, there is also Light!

Remember how I said that it is "in the Shadows that we have learned to hide our negative emotions or emotional baggage within ourselves...the broken pieces of our life"?   Well, because we must work to "hide them from ourselves and others" if they are showing up at all, we can be damn sure that we are operating from the recesses of our subconscious mind; better known as our EGO, instead of the present moment choice of our conscious mind.  When operating from Ego, we are "reacting" to life from an old learned reaction instead of choosing in the moment to live life consciously.  When we come from Ego,  we have lost our ability to choose, and instead are driven from a false need to "be right while proving others wrong".  It is always from the "Shadow" of this "Right/Wrong" thinking that someone gets hurt...usually every one involved!

I realize that we live in a society that comes from a perspective of "right/wrong" thinking, so living in the "shadows" of our Ego is almost acceptable...that is until someone gets hurt!  Interestingly enough, I have seen the lengths to which our Ego will go to prove it's right, when in Truth, the need to do so has done way more harm to both parties than it has done good for either.  Once we let the "Shadows" out, it is hard to rein in the destructive power they possess with such weapons as ridicule, judgment, criticism, blame, guilt, shame and against-ness at the ready to destroy another. Sadly enough, these same weapons are easily trained within, and among the victims left behind, another broken version of ourselves.

"THE SHADOW KNOWS...all our secrets, all our fears and all our insecurities.  The more any given situation or person strikes a unsuspecting cord within us, the quicker we react from "The Shadows" of our mind.  Simply because of it's hidden nature, coming from the "Shadows" is more about using the weapons at your disposal than it is about about connecting and living in the Light of Truth within.  The Shadows are a defensive response that is triggered when the Ego, (the old record) is activated.  The Ego is not our Truth, it is just a subconscious reaction that manifests by striking out, and pulling back into the darkness of the broken pieces that we hide.

During the past week I have encountered the multitude of weapons unleashed by others simply because something said, the choices we made or the presence of our individual Light  "struck a painful cord" that lead to the Ego unleashing "the unrelenting Shadows within us".  In reaction to hurtful words (unintended or not), unkind judgment and need to "win others over to our way of thinking", we soon found ourselves entrapped in the power of "the Shadows" , even turning them upon ourselves (an old habit of shame and guilt).  For me, raised as a Catholic, some may say the shame and guilt is "a right of passage", yet to me, it's a painful reaction that when left unchecked pulls me to the darkest shadows of my life...a place I want to leave behind.  

Initially we all struck out in challenge to the force of negative energy we perceived (key point) was thrust upon us, but then we (or at  least I) fell victim to my own "Shadows" of fear and doubt, guilt and shame that left unchecked can take us out.  I suddenly found myself diminishing my own Light!  

As I wallowed in the pain hidden in the Shadows, I was given a moment of clarity that brought about some much needed insight:  

  1. Our perceptions are as individual as we are, thus when applied to the words, actions and thoughts of another, our perception doesn't apply!
  2. I was lost in the Shadows because I was coming from a reactive place; a place from which nothing could be won, just much more damage done.  Destruction of myself and others, all of whom I love like sisters and brothers.  We had just come to a point of pain; a point none of us were able to navigate around from our reactive state.  
  3. To honor God within each other, I had to choose to be in the moment and find it within myself to connect to the Kindness of my Light.  
  4. Going forward,when faced with the Shadows of another, the only control I have is of my choices, so I must take a deep breath or two, center in the Light and let Kindness diminish the fight.

Once the "Shadow rises up to speak" in reactive defense of the Ego, the only chance to minimize it's destruction comes from the fullness of the Light within.  Good News: The Light always wins out over "darkness"...The trick being, the people involved must choose to "turn on the Light"!   Simple to do really, just choose to live consciously in each moment, verses allowing one's self to automatically react in fear and fight simply to prove the Ego "right"!  

This week has shown me I have a choice to Live Life Consciously...In coming from a place of Kindness and Gratitude, vs fear and doubt I have the power to turn things about..  In choosing to come from Kindness and Light, I have the power to truly support another in their Flight!  In true polarity the darkness of "THE SHADOW KNOWS" that in each moment we are God's pure Light! 

Monday, January 11, 2016

OH CRAP!!! You mean to tell me it's all MY FAULT!?!?

There are many moments in life that are significant: your birth, the loss of your first tooth, your first day of school, your first kiss, getting your first bra (really guys, it's a major one), the day you pass your drivers test, first day on a new job, graduating, the moment you realize you are in love, putting a key in the door of your first home, seeing your child's face for the first time...just to name a few.  All significant, all important, all impactful yet none more so than the moment you realize that where you are in life, good, bad or indifferent, is exactly where your choices have led you to be (if you are anything like me your immediate response might be something like "OH CRAP!  You mean to tell me it's all MY FAULT!?!? DANG!!!")!  Yes, that's exactly what I am saying, though I'm not sure "FAULT" is the word I would use..."Choice" seems more appropriate.

OK, take a deep breath; calm down and read on....

It can be overwhelming at best to face the moment where you finally take ownership of the fact that your choices have led you to this exact life. I imagine especially so if your life isn't nearly as good as you hoped it would be. Of course, if it was what you expected or better, you might not be so overwhelmed by the realization of your full contribution to it. After all, it's much easier to pat yourself on the back for achieving your goals, than it is to accept that you missed the mark more than not.   

Now please know that I say this not from a place of judgment of others or even of myself, but rather from a place of joyful experience (yes, I said "joyful" but more on that later).  Having recently come face to face with the reality of my life (not the made for TV version) I have had to accept the fact that where I am is in direct correlation with each and every choice I have made. Admittedly, there use to be the desire to "blame" someone else for that which is less than perfect in life, but the inescapable reality is simply this:  I AM THE CREATOR OF MY LIFE...WE ALL ARE!"  Where we are today has nothing to do with whether or not our mommy held us,  whether or not our daddy was present in life, whether or not our siblings liked us or not, whether or not we were picked on as a kid, whether or not the mercury was in retrograde at the time of our birth (well, maybe that one might have had a slight impact), it has to do with the choices we've made.  In some instances the choices may have been based on an external factor, but it truth, the choice was still ours to make.  Not sure about you, but I can honestly say that, "I am perfectly OK with that!"

I can tell you that many would look at my life right now and say, "What do you mean you are OK with that?? Your life is a mess!"  I admit, if I choose to measure my life by their standards, I cannot deny the truth of that statement. Using societal standards of success, my life is a mess.  I'm a 55 year old woman who is living more like a vagabond than a so called "responsible" adult.  If I choose to allow their views to dictate my life, I'd probably be suicidal right now (thankfully I don't).  Now this is not to say that the judgment of others doesn't effect me, it does (people can be cruel and unkind when in judgment mode); It's not to say that I don't wish to have a home of my own, I do... It's to say that, despite my current state of lack in the material, I am living "joyfully" from the Light within.  In other words, despite what others say or think about me, I realize I am so much more than my current circumstance shows (We all are!)! 

Despite my homelessness, I am happier with who I am in this very moment than I have ever been in my life.  I am good with the choice I have made to walk fully in my Faith and do what I have been asked...Did I mention I am a Psychic Medium who channels the Universal Energy?(Ok, for those of you who just went into judgement mode, shake you head and muddle through to the end please).  I am more at peace in the upheaval of uncertainty that my circumstance creates than I have ever been before, simply because, I know that the woman I have become is the person I was born to be.  For the first time in my life I am owning the Truth of myself, and in doing so, changing the way I view the world. These choices have lead me to finally utilize my gifts in helping others as only my abilities allow and, in doing so, I am able to have a positive impact on the life of others. That truly is a Joyful place to be in life.

Please understand, this is not to say that I do not have fear, I do, but I also have a Faith beyond my understanding. A blessing unforeseen. So I am choosing to walk fully in that Faith, and embrace what each day brings.  Despite what my circumstances may be, I have truly become the best possible version of me!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Kindness and Gratitude Will Change The World!

There is a misconception within our society that creates an illusion of separateness between us.  A "me" verses "them" mentality that falsely creates that division. This illusion causes some to judge another for their circumstance; for the color of their skin; for the language they speak; for their physical differences; for their religious belief; and for the way they live their life.  For many there is a fever pitch of separation if one's situation is unlike their own.  Their focus is centered on the illusion of the important of "how does this effect ME?" verses the reality of "how can I affect the WE"? I understand this thought process, as there are times I want it to be "all about me", yet I have learned that I cannot ignore the fact that this life is truly about "Me and how I effect the "WE"!

The truth is, we are all One.  There is no separation between us, we each came into this world connected to each other in ways beyond our understanding. In the scheme of the Universal flow, we are each born with The Light within us that connections us in all things.  We are born with an innate knowing of that connection. It is in this knowing that we have an opportunity to let go of the illusion that divides us and embrace the inclusion of Oneness with all things.  It is in Oneness that life becomes "All about Me and how I can positively affect the WE!" 

We are each born to serve a purpose, a purpose to positively impact the collective energy that is “WE”.  Now, if you are anything like me, you might have panicked a little trying to figure out “How can I have such a big impact on others when there are days I struggle to take care of myself?”  Though the thought may be intimidating, in truth, to have a positive impact on the collective of society, all it takes is to always come from a place of Kindness and Gratitude towards others and within yourself. 

Can you imagine how much conflict would be avoided if everyone came at each situation from a place of Kindness?  No anger, no hate, no judgment, no criticism…Just KINDNESS.  All arguments would be avoided, all judgment would cease, all sense of separateness would be eliminated.   It is in Kindness that we are fully living from the Light within.

In Kindness we learn the truth of all that we have to be Grateful for.  The more we are living from the point of Light within, the more alive we feel, the more connected we feel with others and the greater our awareness of the Oneness that is “WE”.  It is in that Oneness that we see the unlimited possibilities that our ours to behold, ours to achieve and ours to be.  When we are living our life from a perspective of Oneness, we find gratitude because of the true connection this perspective creates. A connection that brings us to our highest frequency, our greatest spiritual vibration..a frequency of Love.  As the Beatles say "All we need is Love"

So the next time you hear "Kindness and Gratitude WILL change the World", I encourage you to try may just be pleasantly surprised by what you find! 

About the Author:  Mary Elizabeth is an Author, Motivational Speaker and Spiritual Life Coach who uses her abilities as a Psychic Medium to assist others in connecting to the Light Within.  Visit her website at ANGELSANSWER.US for more information, to book an event or schedule a private session.  

Monday, October 26, 2015


By Mary Elizabeth

Today, as in everyday, I wonder where it is I am suppose to be….yet as I write those words I have an absolute knowing that I am exactly where I am suppose to be in this very moment.  SO… why then does a part of me still wonder?  Even if at times it seems to make little sense to me, where I am now is absolutely where God intends.  I guess my need to “know” what’s next makes it sometimes difficult to find peace in the presence of NOW, yet it is only in the “now” that we can find peace….so why the struggle?  Hmm…

Is it that I am simply bored in this time that I am alone; is it fear that my life will never be more than it is right now (though truthfully right now really is looking pretty good); is it fear that somehow I have let God down in this commitment to do as He asks of me; or is it simply fear that I am not enough exactly as I am in this moment? Whatever it is, I know it has nothing to do with Faith…it’s just FEAR!  Am I measuring my life by God’s “yard” stick or the yardstick of others?  It doesn’t take a genius to answer that one…the yardstick of others!

 If I was using God’s measure, I would never fall short…I would never be wrong in my choices to follow my own knowing, I would never be wrong to walk my life fully in Faith, I would never feel fear in trusting the Universe to carry me, take care of my needs and to put me exactly where it is I am suppose to be…In God’s measure I would know that I am perfectly placed, perfectly timed and perfectly kept in the abundance of Faith that is mine.  In God’s measure I cannot fail, I cannot be less than and I cannot be fearful!  So why do I so readily choose the yardstick of others as my method of self-measure vs. the measure of God? 

I know the answer to that…I think we all do.  The answer is the yardstick of others is what is most familiar to me.  It is the means that others have measured me by my entire life; it is the means from which I chose to measure others…simply because it was the yardstick I knew!

  Interestingly enough, that yardstick, 3 feet long by 1-1/8 inches wide, is really very restricted in its ability to stretch outside its limitations to see the true measure of a man.  It severely limits one’s ability to see beyond itself to grasp the ever expanding, ever changing measure of life.  Think about is…a 3 feet by 1-1/8 inches measuring stick limits us beyond our knowing, beyond our understanding and creates a box that restricts us from being us.  The yardstick limits our growth, limits our strength and limits our ability to see the true measure of who God created us to be! 

With this being the case, why do we even think that we have the tools at our disposal to even begin to measure the life of another…or even our own?  What give us the audacity to believe we are prepared to judge the true measure of infinite possibility when all we have is the limit of our own yardstick?  Why is it we even think it’s our place to judge; to criticize others; to label wrong, simply because they do not fall within the confines of our limited measure?  Who are we to deem our yardstick is the measure of what makes a person “good”, what makes them “worthy”, what makes them “right”?  Oddly enough, each one of us has a “yardstick” of our own, yet none are exactly the same…so why do we trust them to measure our worth, our truth, our Light?

Only God knows the true measure of each and every one of us.  His is the only “yard” stick from which any level of measure is accurate.  It is the only “yard” stick that is ever expanding, every shifting and ever increasing in its ability to take in a full measure of a man.  God’s “yard” stick is the only tool that assesses one’s Path, knows one’s Truth, and understands the worthiness of one’s Light.  With this ability, God’s measure never comes from a place of right and wrong, never comes from a place of judgment, never comes from a place of criticism and never comes from a place of fear.   God’s measure is every expanding, every changing just as each person steps fully into their unlimited potential of possibility.  God’s got the full measure on all of us…

So let’s drop our yardsticks and let go of all that limits us and others.  It is only in God’s measure that we can find the ability to truly love our self and others…so Let Go and Let God!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Freedom Rings!

Today in America is Veteran Days.  Having been born and raised in America, my point of reference is limited to what I know, what I see on television and stories from those who have traveled the world in both good times and bad.  I am sure other countries are just as amazing, but to me there is no better place to call home than the USA.  

Though other countries are richer in history than ours, America still shines brightly in her infancy.  She has grown, and her love of freedom has been honed on the backs of many who've willingly laid their lives on the line so that others can live free.  Those special few are willing to stand up and fight, when others retreat in fear, so that their love of country is upheld.  They fight not for our government, but instead for their family; your family; my that our way of life can be maintained.  These brave men and women lay their lives on the line not just for our freedom, but for the ideal of personal freedom throughout the world.  

The brave men and women of the American Military serve in lands far away, not because they want to fight (believe me, they don't), but because they hold the sense of honor and duty above all else.  They serve at our Government's direction, not because they are interested in the oil, the power or the control that can be won, but because they truly believe in the right of all to embrace the freedoms that we here in America hold dear.  They believe in the rights of men, women and children around the world to live in a democratic society, with the right to speak their views, to educate themselves and to live without fear of repression or retaliation for doing so.  These brave men and women fight not to force our way of life on others, but to ensure that others have a fair chance to choose their own way of life, democratic or not, free of tyranny and oppression. 

Every year on this date, November 11th, we Americans take a holiday to celebrate those who have served throughout the years, whether willingly or through the draft.  No matter how it came about, the sacrifice is the that deserves our gratitude and grace.  I am embarrassed to say that sometimes people are thankful for the day off, but forget to be grateful to those it recognizes.  Sometimes we are so caught up in our own dreams and desires, we forget that the right to chase that dream was earned through the sacrifices of others.  Without the choice of millions of Americans that came before us (and those who walk amongst us still) to serve, to protect and defend, we may not have the opportunity to live the "American Dream".  Without their strength, determination and sacrifice, we may not be "the land of the Free and the home of the Brave" that we all take for granted.  Without them, and all they continue to do, our way of life would not be...
Thankfully, these brave souls have continued to preserver despite the growing threats against us.  They bravely go where others fear, simply because they choose to uphold what is right, and defend what is dear.  Their reverence for our ideals and the rights of others drives them forward.  The faces and love for their family and friends gives them the strength to carry on so that, one day soon, they can come home once again to live their own American dream, free of tyranny and oppression.  May God Bless them for it and may their fellow Americans honor them and be grateful for their service.

It is with that thought I want to say I am grateful for all you do.  Your sacrifices and those of your families, have not gone unnoticed.  Your voices are heard in their silent service and because of each and every one of you...FREEDOM RINGS!